Thursday, October 29, 2020

Prophet Mohammed's Sayings

A third round of the Prophet’s words of wisdom I translated today in response to the continual ignorance and hate generated by French President Emanuel Macron. 1- Jesus once told his disciples: seek God’s love and draw near to him. The disciples asked: How do we do that, Spirit of God? He said: By hating the sinners you gain God’s love and by angering them you draw near to God. The disciples asked: Then who do we sit with? Jesus said: Sit with those who remind you of God when you see them, those whose words make you do more goodness, and whose actions make you long for the afterlife. 2- The one amongst you who is the farthest in likeness to me is the miserly, vulgar, and indecent. 3- Ill manners are ill-omen. 4- God has forbidden the indecent, the vulgar, and the unashamed who doesn’t care about what he says or what is said about him from entering Heaven. 5- The Prophet was once asked, “Are there devils among the people.” He said, “Didn’t you read Allah’s words when He says ‘he (the Devil) shared them in their children and posessions?’” 6- If you help, you get helped. The one who does not prepare patience for calamities will be incapable (of overcoming them.) The one who praises or criticizes people will be praised or criticized and the one who leaves people alone will be left alone. 7- Would you like me to guide you to the best manners in this life and the hereafter? Maintain relations with the one who boycotted you, give the one who prevented you, and forgive the one who hurts you. 8- He (the Prophet) once went out and saw some people pushing a boulder. He told them: The strongest amongst you is the one who controls himself when angry, and the toughest amongst you is the one who forgives when he is capable of retaliation. 9- I accept this religion (Islam) for my self yet it is not straightened only through generosity and good manners. So, adorn this religion with these two values as long as you are Muslims. 10- The most faithful amongst you are the ones who have the best manners. 11- Good manners secure love. 12- Genial countenance erases grudges. 13- Modesty is of two kinds: modesty of the intellect and modesty of idiocy. The modesty of the intellect is knowledge and that of idiocy is ignorance. 14- If you believe in God and the Day of Judgment, fulfil your promises. 15- Trustfulness brings forth God’s favor and treachery brings down poverty. 16- The child’s looking at his parents with love is one kind of worshiping (God.) 17- If the libertine is praised, God’s throne shakes (in rage.) 18- If someone does you a favor, reward him. If you are not able to reward him, then praise him, for praise is a kind of rewarding. 19- Do not argue or joke (in excess) with your brother. If you promise him something, never break that promise. 20- The best help to achieve God’s obedience is affluence.

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